Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What is science


Introduction of science

    Our home planet has more events occurring on it than we can imagine.these event involve the  living organism in animate structures,thing which we can see,those which we want event that amaze us land those which terrify us.the information of our earth was another massive event.These events brings with large number of questions that arrise out curiosity to explain or understand the world we live in the world arround us.
     If you have ever wondered what's going on,how these events take place or why is it so,how is it and what's it.These questions are run in the minds of billions of people every second and every day.The answer to all these questions is simple and lies in one word"science".Now probably your next question is what is science exactly?????
So let's understand science is a answer.

What is a science?

      Always changing
      Science is not just a big list of facts.
      Science is changes all the time,as
      Science find out new things

     We use science to help us discover and understand the world arround us.science a knowledge that we get when we ask questions
      Science is a knowledge gained through experience.
     Science is accumulated body of knowledge of the physical or material world through observation or experience
    So this you why do all your belongings or anything that you throw up in the air fall to the ground? the answer or science behind.It is not a big deal it is a gravity.we see the an attraction to all objects known as gravity and this is invisible attraction what keeps us on earth.This gravity is experienced in our daily life like playing in games.

   For example in cricket, football, valley balla badminton etc.These games in we are playing the ball finally reaches the ground.The funny thing is that gravity was always there since the beginning.But was only understood and explained untill not very long ago by a ver inquisitive person who asked a lot of questions.
He made important discoveries about light, gravity and motion. He was very convinced that an apple does not fall far from the tree and that because.it fell on his head.The person was "sir issac Newton. the is in his name is not a surname.it is respectable word.So, gravity existed even before the apple fell on Newtons head,but it was understood and explained by only when Newton decided to  ask three questions.these are
   So we see how the science involves in everything arround us.But we only understand it when we follow our curiosity ask questions.A lot of questions and try to find answers to them.but many times one question have more than one answer .So, there is aften more than one theory to explain the science behind each event.
Think of theory:

    A theory is  an idea about how something works.scientists come up with theories to explain things .

For example, a scientist might have a theory that loud music makes people's hearts beat faster

    For example in sudoku puzzles we know that.the puzzle can slove in many ways and so many paths to slove that, because in this this puzzle we put only 1 to 9 numbers in 3*3square or 9*9 square.the rule of solving this sudoku puzzle is don't repeat the numbers in a vertical or horizontal line and 3*3square box.but we have so many possibilities to slove this this puzzle sudoku

Branches in science:

     So based on our understanding of all events inthe universe we can classify science into three main branches.they are

  Let's look at what these branches are and how they work in making of something us

     As simple as lime juice when you are thirsty.now let's read at this animation slowly and more carefully and understand where these branches come into play.

     PHYSICS is concerned with the force with you hold the spoon while you preparing the lime juice and the motion involved while stirring the juice fast or slow.it is a branch of science that deals with the all types of matter in and beyond the universe, their nature,their properties and all causes and effects manipulating them then comes the part where all the ingredients start getting mixed to give us lime juice.This is called CHEMISTRY.It deals with the reaction between two or more types of matter to form a new type of matter.

  For example BIOLOGYwhen hydrogen gas and oxygen are mixed together in an appropriate ratio.we get a molecule H2O which is called watter.intresting isn't it??

    Finally there is a  It is concerned with how your body can extarct the benefits from the juice.It is concerned with all living matter on the universe like plants, animals and microorganisms their life process and their relationship not only with one another but also with the environment in which they exist.If you have been observed that you would have realized that all of these branches through differently listed work together in making limejuice.the together ness of these branches is not only inthe case of simply preparing a lime juice ,but also the cases at every event that we see , perform or experience in our lives

Scientific discoveries:

This time line shows some of the most important science discoveries in history

  Period                  Discoveries

440_420BC    Leucippus and Democritus develop

                        the theory that everything
                        arround us is made of tiny atoms

  200sBC     Eratosthenes proves the earth is
                     round.He uses maths to calculate 
                     the size of the earth.

  AD700s    Jabir ibn hayyan(geber)does the
                    first chemistry experiments.

  1510         Copernicus finds out that the   
                   Plantes revolve around the sun.

  1600        William gillbert discovers earth
                   magnetic field and studies 

  1610       Galileo Galilei discovers moons 
                  moons around the planet Jupiter

  1665       Robert Hooke discovers cell.

  1687       Isaac Newton sets out his laws 
                  Of sets out his laws of motion 

  1750       Benjamin Franklin captures  
                  electricity from lightning in a
                  kite string         

  1800       Frederick William Herschel 
                  Discovers infrared  light while 
                  Studying the temperature of 
                  Visible light

  1859       Charles Darwin publishes his 
                  Theory of natural selection

  1869       Dimitri mendeleev creates the 
                  Periodic table of  the elements.

  1916       Einstein's theory of general  
                  Relativity describes gravity 
                  Space and time.

  1924       Edwin Hubble discovers galaxies
                  Beyond our own the milky way

  1927       Georges lemaitre describes his 
                  Theory that universe began 
                  With the "big bang"

  1928       Alexander Fleming discovers how
                  Penicillin can kill germs

  1953       Francis Crick and  and James 
                  Easton discover the structure 
                  DNA and how it works

  1977       Scientists discover hydrothermal 
                 on  the seabed

  2001      Scientists make the first map 
                  Human genes

      So it's about time  we ask the most important questions of all is science always this is good or does it also have a not so good side to it? 
understand that let's look into some examples

1.it can be used to make nuclear power which can act as substitute for electricity and which can be much cheaper or it can be made to make nuclear bombs which can have devastating effects

2.technology _the cellphone yes it is true that the advent of portable phone also called the cell phone has made made our lives a lot easier by allowing people over long distances to communicate mor efficiently and faster and also effectively

But the benefits really outweigh the risks that cellphone are likely to cause to our body like the high probability of brain

3.Genetic engineering is concerned with trying it disturbs the eco system best suited for the original type of orgranisams.

4.marie  Curie was one of the first people to study  the  radioactivity, or ability of some elements to give  of energy . She also discovered the elements radium and polonium

The questions here is not about science being good or bad because how we know science is knowledge and knowledge is never bad per say the real questions we must ask overselves before we utilize science for something good something that will cause harm.we can say science has the powers to both destroy and heal.but is only depends on how you view it and more important how you use it we do have a choice!!!

If science is pursued with a generous and compassionate heart it can really change our world in more ways than one the true potential of science is beyond our imagination But the science is on three fundamental questions WHAT, HOW,WHY

    I hope so this is about best use of science what,how ,why . Thanks for for reading this .if you want to know more about science..........go through it......below link.
Use this...................



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What is science

SCIENCE Introduction of science      Our home planet has more events occurring on it than we can imagine.these event involve the  li...